Sport is generally recognised as activities based in physical athleticism or physical dexterity.[3] Sports are usually governed by rules to ensure fair competition and consistent adjudication of the winner.We do not confine our students in the four-walled classrooms only but provide training and practice to excel in the play ground and stage activities for their all-round development of personality.Importance of Sports & Games in School Photo Credit Jupiterimages/liquidlibrary/Getty Images The importance of sports and games in school encompasses more than just the benefit of physical activity. Increases in self-esteem and mental alertness make school sports and games necessary for every school age child. Although the benefits of school sports abound, with a diminishing economy, many schools are cutting out sports and physical education programs to the detriment of students nationwide. it is imperative for school age children to have access to sports and games. Not only does it empower youth and promote higher self-esteem, it also motivates students, enables them to earn better grades, especially in schools where obtaining certain grades is a pre-requisite to staying on the team.